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Compact biomass boiler, COMBICRAT 1-4MW, in a box.

produkt_combicrat-lillePellets or woodchips fuel, Plug & Play a box, from 975 KW to 4MW each boiler line. Put together what capacity you need, can be extended with factory build pumps in a box, alternativ an oil boile in a box. What do you need.

Attached drawings of factory build boiler plant and data sheets etc..:


Drawing of boiler in a box

Casestorry of a 6MW plant

Distribution pumps in a box

Case Steam and your green profil

At the attached link you can download a case, telling how biomass gain your profit and green profile.

New case storry, steam project

Weiss Green eye

The Weiss Green Eye is a camera that has been designed for visual surveillance of various combustion processes which take place in the most extreme environments.

The design uses the highest quality heat resistant stainless steel, and the patented cooling circuit secures the outer surface of the camera housing. A specially designed air turbolator ensures full protection, cooling and cleaning of the camera and lenses at all times.

The camera is designed to use as an IP camera what makes it possible to control it remotely as well as provide an access to the SCADA system. Moreover, a temperature control element insures the possibility of surveillance of the camera temperature.